Running Strong at 54: The Benefits of 2-3 Runs a Week

Running Strong at 54: The Benefits of 2-3 Runs a Week

At 54, I run because it keeps me healthy and invigorated, both physically and mentally. Running has become my sanctuary, a way to stay active, maintain my fitness, and enjoy the beauty of the world around me. It’s a practice that reminds me that age is just a number, and the benefits it brings to my well-being are immeasurable.

Boost aerobic capacity to put the brakes on ageing

Boost aerobic capacity to put the brakes on ageing

Research tells us that aerobic capacity (VO2max) declines with age. So what should we do as we age to slow the decline? We need to focus on aerobic capacity workouts in our training. Also known as HIIT, the uncomfortable stuff.
The benefits reaped from high intensity workouts will allow your ageing body to become more efficient and effective. You’ll be able to deliver and use more oxygen to create energy in the working muscles and will slow down the ageing process.

Winter Workouts

Winter Workouts

Winter workouts improve fitness, mood and your immune system, particularly during the darker and colder winter months where a focus on mental wellbeing in just as important as the physical benefits.

Mindfulness and Fitness

Mindfulness and Fitness

Where’s your mind at when you’re exercising? Do you rely on music or tv? There’s some interesting research suggesting that distracting techniques whilst exercising can inhibit our performance and technique and can even cause injury. Mindfulness is about being present in the moment and strengthening the mind-muscle connection. So, how does it work? Read on.