For me, to suggest that Tony is “just” a PT is probably doing him and his professional abilities a disservice.
I have struggled with my weight and fitness for as long as I can remember, and whilst I have tried a range of approaches in the past, few people I have met have been as supportive and as successful as Tony in getting my head in the right place before going anywhere near a gym.
After our initial consultation, I remember Tony saying to me that he was excited about working with me, and to be honest, I was sceptical that he could be the chap that would set me on the right path to making some long lasting life changes.
A good few months into my work with Tony, I know that I have begun to take steps to achieving the goals that I have set for myself. I’m working hard to keep on beating personal bests with my running – and Tony has even got me running outdoors in preparation for “The Battle of Lansdown”. And that’s not even to mention my new found love of Boxercise!
Tony is changing not only how I think about my fitness, but also helping me to think about how I can develop myself as a person too. No two sessions in the gym are the same and training with him is a highlight of any week.
I can’t recommend him highly enough and take pride in having him in my corner.